I’ve known Richard since I was 13. I was very good friends with his youngest daughter, Molly, in middle school. Molly told me one day “My dad likes you and he doesn’t like anyone.” “Why?” I asked. Molly responded, "It’s because you played and sang ‘Piano Man’ at the talent show in 8th grade”. And so began my relationship with Richard.

Last spring, I was Richard’s stage manager on 12 Angry Men. Watching him direct was an experience and I thought how cool it would be to be in one of his shows. Now that I’m on the other side of the table, the pressure is on. Richard likes to ask every run we do how we felt about it. I get nervous because sometimes I have nothing to say. I play a prostitute with 27 lines (yes I counted). It’s hard to have a profound realization after each rehearsal. But if you’re honest with Richard about how you felt, he isn’t that intimidating. Most of the time when I get asked how I felt about my performance, I pretty much say “I had fun!”

Candy is a fun character to play.
In the script when Candy first enters, the stage directions read “Enter Candy Starr. She is a dish.”
It is a vague stage direction, yet I can do so much with it. Candy is a good time and a fun time. She is that regular townie at your crappy hometown bar where she has started a fight or two. I like playing her because there are no boundaries with her.
I loved being a stage manager. But I am excited to be acting again. I just came off of Parker Players’ production of Love/Sick. These two shows are VERY different processes and experiences. But they have one thing in common; everyone wants to be there and is giving it their all. And that is the best part about working with Parker Players. They know how to cast a show and get the best of the best.
Carly Mulert plays Candy Starr